Simple dust collector for leather sheath production

In a previous article, we reported that “we are considering installing a dustproof box for finishing work on the edges of leather sheaths.

I then asked the staff about this, and she told me that she works near the trash cans, but the shavings fly all over the room, and even if we set up a dust-proof box, she expect the box to soon be full of shavings, so she hold the vacuum cleaner's inlet between her legs and work toward it so that the shavings fly away.

(I wanted to take a picture of her working on it, but she was too embarrassed by how unattractive it looked, so she wouldn't let me see her working on it!)

革サヤ製作用の 簡易集塵機

以前の記事で『革サヤの淵の仕上作業用に 防塵ボックスの設置を検討している』とお伝えしました。




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