

選択できる曲数がたくさんあると、毎回違う曲を選択することになり、結果的に同じ曲を ”繰り返し” 聴く機会がどんどん減っていきます。





Satisfaction in inverse proportion to affluence

These days, the world is full of subscription-based, all-you-can-listen-to music services.
I have been using them myself, but recently I have suddenly felt something.
That is, ‘despite the fact that I am in an environment where I can listen to all kinds of music, listening to music is not becoming more and more enjoyable.

With a large number of songs to choose from, I will end up selecting a different song each time, resulting in fewer and fewer opportunities to listen to the same song “over and over again”.
As a result, I will listen to more and more songs without being able to determine whether they are my favorites or not.

In the past, if I wanted to listen to music, I would buy a CD or other media and listen to it repeatedly.
This led me to like the music more and more, which in turn led me to dig deeper into information about the author, etc. As a result, I enjoyed the music and the things around it, and I was satisfied by it.

A situation in which too many possessions are added and happiness is reduced.
This may be similar to the feeling that people who have spent a long time in the city move to the countryside in their later years.

We will continue to strive for more careful manufacturing to prevent this from happening to the products we produce.