








High‐pressure selling

I think the most important thing in manufacturing is simply “how satisfied the customer can be by purchasing it”.

The better the image associated with the product, the more attractive the product itself will be, and the more you will be able to “continue to satisfy” customers, which will encourage them to buy products from the same company again without having to actively engage in sales activities. I think this will lead to this.

I have believed this for a long time, but I recently realized that the opposite can also happen.

A few years ago, I purchased a certain products at a store, and at that time, I was recommended to purchase other related products as well.
It was highly recommended to me, so I decided to buy it, but after using it only a few times, I stopped using it and realized that it was not something I needed.

Every time I look at that item in the drawer, I feel a negative feeling of being forced to buy something I didn’t need.
After that, I stopped going to the store and decided to only buy what I needed online.

In a similar situation, for example, “products that have weaknesses that you don’t notice when you buy them, but that you notice soon afterwards”, I think will produce the same kind of problems as this time.

“Selling methods that ignore the convenience of buyers” and “deceptive manufacturing” are easily noticed by customers.

We’ll continue to manufacture products that pay close attention to even the invisible parts.